Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dermatology Report

So tobi had a recheck with the dermatologist, and her little cyst wasn't going away as nicely as they'd hoped, despite the new antibiotics. Now, at this point, she's been on some sort of antibiotics almost non-stop for a long time. We've literally been giving her between one and 6 pills a day for over six months. So the doctor did a culture, and found out that Tobi has grown resistant to many types of antibiotics. For your reading pleasure, here's the printout:
Tobi Dermatology Report, Page 1
Tobi Dermatology Report, Page 2
Tobi Dermatology Report, Page 3
Oh, and also she still has staph. So they gave her a big bottle of people-sized doses of Clindamycin, which should hopefully fix that.

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